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Hello Traders!

EA has a live track record with 4 years of stable trading with low drawdown:

We present the never seen before strategy with a recovery form that is constantly adapting where its power is versatility
Its main strategy is to read the market in its elasticity, we will be able to analyze the entry range in different ways. This can be very dynamic as in different tf and different range, with handling of queries to the market news. scalper ea forex Pro has great power to adapt to the recovery of the market, her patterns are not fixed, we also have different types of protection, whether in percentage or floating, to be able to work under the rules of any propfirm account or mff, etc. It is optimized it can handle the entire market, it is a matter of adapting it to the market you need.

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Agevolazioni e finanziamenti personali e aziendali

One of the most appealing features of the scalper ea forex Pro is its customizability. With a range of customizable settings, traders can fine-tune the robot’s trading strategy to suit their individual preferences and risk tolerance. This makes the robot a flexible tool that can adapt to the changing market conditions and the trader’s trading style.

The scalper ea forex Pro has already helped numerous traders pass the FTMO, Funded Next, and MFF challenges with confidence. The robot is regularly updated every few weeks, ensuring that traders always have access to the latest version of the robot.
πŸ”₯trading success rate is more than 94%.
πŸ”₯Much cheaper than available high-quality alternatives
πŸ”₯DD less than 2%
πŸ”₯Pass prop firm
πŸ”₯Minimum Deposit $100
πŸ”₯Works With Most brokers MT4/MT5
πŸ”₯Recommended timeframe: H1
πŸ”₯Multiple currency pairs support
πŸ”₯Solid backtest and live performance
πŸ”₯No need to adjust GMT
πŸ”₯Very easy to use
Get daily 3-10% returns on your Investment

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πŸ”₯Sniper Accurate entries
πŸ”₯Money management
πŸ”₯60-150% ROI per month
πŸ”₯ Easy to setup

Prop Firm EA 5.0_Algo (EA – Expert Advisor)

The Powerful Algorithms are capable of 60-150% returns per month

πŸ”₯Sniper Accurate entries
πŸ”₯ Money management
πŸ”₯60-150% ROI per month
πŸ”₯ Easy to setup
πŸ”₯ πŸ“²24/7 Customer Support

Requirements for EA

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1) computer/laptop
2)VPS so EA can work nonstop
3) any brokerage account with MT4/MT5 terminal
4) minimum equity of 100$ per pair
5) Patience

For more Information Contact Us: forexea87@gmail.com

For more Information Contact Us: @Forexea2025


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